
2 Or 3BHK - Which Configuration To Pick? Praneeth Group's Guide

Purchasing an apartment is lovely, but holding the keys to your dream home is much more thrilling. However, you must make various difficult choices before buying a home, like the location, builder, number of bedrooms, etc. The decision between a 2BHK and a 3BHK house can be challenging because each has its benefits. The flats from Praneeth Group combine comfort and peace.

In addition, the apartments offered by Praneeth Group include all the facilities you could ask for. The 2BHK flats by Praneeth Group are space-efficient and give a location benefit in terms of accessibility to key locations in the city. At the same time, the 2 and 2.5 BHK apartments for sale in Bachupally by Praneeth Group are constructed for families that prefer a calm modern lifestyle.

The Following Criteria Can Be Used To Determine Which Option Meets Your Needs


2 BHK apartments in Kollur is a good choice if you're on a restricted budget. They give your family a respectable amount of room and a sense of ownership. However, if money is not an issue, a 3BHK apartment will offer you a far better standard of living for only slightly more money.


For single people and young couples, a 2BHK makes sense because there will still be space for a guest room. However, a 3BHK makes more sense and offers adequate space for everyone for growing families with children or live-in parents. Most individuals only purchase a property once in their lives, so the bigger, the better.


A 2BHK apartment is more straightforward to find renters for and buyers than a 3BHK one renting or reselling. However, that doesn't imply it will be challenging to find a buyer or tenant for a 3BHK; all it means is that it might take longer.


2BHKs are the best option for people who enjoy modest lifestyles and do not have a high need for a room. A 3BHK, however, is a preferable option for individuals who need more space, such as those who work from home, since it provides more room and privacy for a quiet home office.

Home Improvement

A smaller 2BHK apartment is unquestionably more enticing when it comes to keeping up with the housekeeping duties because home upkeep is an essential aspect of daily life. Therefore, 2BHKs are the solution for people looking for low-maintenance houses. 3 BHK apartments, in contrast, are more extensive and require more work to maintain them tidy.

Benefits Of Choosing a 2BHK Home

Less expensive, more dependable maintenance

Your loan's interest rate is lower than large flats, and maintaining a 2BHK apartment will be significantly less expensive. The price rise is not as considerable, though, compared to the tiny BHK apartment. Therefore, it is always wiser to choose a 2BHK flat and ensure that the maintenance cost is cheaper than for a larger apartment.

Enhanced utilization

Although a large apartment could seem like much space, it might be too much for modern nuclear families, especially in large cities. On the other hand, apartments with two bedrooms are pleasant and make the best use of available space.

Lease or Rent

In the event of a large apartment, you must only rent it out to a bachelor to reap the benefits to the fullest. Lease or Rent Demand 2bhk apartment; you can rent it out to bachelors, families, etc. Even if the buyer is currently single, the best investment for someone considering purchasing a new apartment is a 2BHK flat. It will provide you with more room to grow and a higher market value if you need to in the future.

Benefits Of Choosing a 3BHK Home

Get rid of space crunch

Before settling in, there are a few situations where space management becomes a problem. A single spouse with one or two kids can live happily in a 3BHK home. There will be a spare bedroom for visitors or extra room for youngsters growing up who need their area. Because of this, issues with not having enough room for storage or having some personal space are resolved with a 3BHK apartment.

Adapt to the future

Purchasing a 3BHK apartment might be a lifetime investment for someone more concerned with securing his family's future. When buying a home, it is essential to remember that each member needs a private place when a family expands.

More room means more storage

Due to the additional space and rooms provided by 3BHK apartments, one can quickly accumulate unneeded or infrequently used items inside their home. It will keep the remaining available space decked up. A 3BHK apartment may easily accommodate more furniture and storage items than most homeowners utilize.


It might not always be simple for a first-time home buyer to pick the ideal apartment layout. There are several things to consider, including your current needs, property costs, location, and future preferences.
